Friday, December 7, 2012

Change already!?

Emmi bought some more of that soft paper in the box the other day. Tish-yu's? I know she doesn't like when I eat them, but I LooOove those things! My belly kind of hurts today, but they are so delicious I can't help it! Hopefully she turns her head again so I can have some more later.

I'm a little worried because my Emmi is really down. She must have gotten some kind of news because she was crying really hard all morning. She started moving things around the apartment again and calling lots of people. I think I heard Mom on the phone for a bit. That was when she was really leaking that salty water. I tried to help clean it off her face but she didn't want that kind of help. She's been looking things up on the computer and talking on the phone to people we don't know a lot today. I thought we had to go back to bed but it looks like she doesn't have to go back to that place where she wears the purple outfit and is gone for So so long.

Not sure what it all means but we'll see soon I guess.

Emmi made this post today:

Plus she is baking so the house smells REALLy really good :)p She puts them up high so I can't reach but she does let me clean up the crumbs :) Mmmm

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