Monday, December 10, 2012

GERRY'S HERE!!!!!!!!

Gerry's here!!! Gerry's here! Gerry's here! Gerry's heeeeere!!!! He came over today to see me and take all those boxes and the other couch I'm not allowed on and the Christmas tree. We must be moving. Every time Gerry comes over they move things and sweat and then Emmi has to use that sucky machine all over the floors. They weren't here much during the day, so I guess that's why Gerry hasn't taken me for a run yet. He usually takes me out and we run around and play. But it was a pretty busy day for them, so I'm sure something big is happening. One time when they came back Emmi smelled a lot like another dog- a baby dog. Like a puppy! I wonder if she's thinking of replacing me.      Nah.  She needs me too much.  She can't even hear when people are outside our house that might be a danger to us... I have to tell her about it every time. Boy this place sure looks different without all of the decorations and the little couch and the closets are all empty. Maybe that's why Emmi is sad. This seems like a lot of work. Good thing they haven't figured out how to harness me into helping. Ha! I still have this bone to chew on- a lot of work of my own to get through before we leave this place. I'd better get back to it.

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